Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

Dendrilivano (Rosmarinus Officinalis)

Dendrilivano (Rosmarinus Officinalis)

Rosemary-Rosmarinus officinalis-Labiatae-.
Rosemary is stomachic, tonic, emmenagogue, and bile.
Of chronic cholecystitis, hydrops thick sikoti, jaundice hepatitis.
Rosemary is still wound healing, antiseptic, antispasmodic drug, for chronic catarrh of the lungs and Rheumatism.
And even when the gases of the abdomen, tonic blood circulation and other functions.
(Opens masts and supplies blood).
Plant is suitable for nervous headaches.
We believe that the placement of the plant in the head relaxes mentally tired.
Sprouts rosemary wine give drink heart tonic.
Washing the scalp helps hair growth.
By washing bathrooms are beneficial skin.
(With poultice pulls the blood in certain locations).
The flowers and leaves of rosemary are anti-asthma, anti-pertussis of influenza in weakness and even beneficial in other cases.
"We believe IFI leaves of rosemary along with nettle roots and roots Lappa will soak in alcohol give medicine WHO massaged the scalp cause hair growth
The powder of the leaves of rosemary is wound healing.
The essential oil drives the score.

"Embalming using oil of rosemary."
Rosemary leaf decoction is used as a lotion AGAINST gangrenous wounds.
Aromatic baths for rheumatism of the joints, swelling rubs.
The chemical composition is: Tannin, bitter substances, essential oils in bulk, borneol, sineol, camphor.
Rosemary is used for internal use with infusion (5-15 g.
In one kilogram of water) and n-alcoholic preparation 30-60 g.
In a kilo wine 2-3 glasses a day.
Internally you even get the oil in drops - 4 drops in a drink -.
For outdoor use, 50 to 60 g.
in a liter of boiling water (baths for rheumatism of the joints, bathrooms tonic herbs) and tincture oil for rubbing or with pieces of the plant in oil.
Rosemary takes part in a mixture of eight different plants with "tea" which rinse hair after shampooing by Normal and rinse thoroughly with water.
The "tea" it (infusion) are particularly beneficial hair tonic.
The plants are: Rosemary, Sage, Fennel, linden, chamomile, nettle, yarrow, Ekouizeto.
Of these, Fennel, linden, chamomile and taking it to equal amounts The other items in smaller quantities.
"If you're going for blonde hair put more camomile.
While dark hair put a little more rosemary and chamomile - 2 teaspoons of the blend in a pound of water.
're Putting the mixture into container and pour in a pound of boiled water.
Skepazome and affine gini until lukewarm, and with it flushes.
repeatedly hair after shampooing, where we said above.
Rosemary tea is and fainting.
Roots rosemary wine boiled (until you are left one-third) are against dysentery.
"Flowers rosemary crushed with sugar (to be made paste) it is against the dizziness.
Fresh tops of the plant threshed over in the hemorrhoids dries.
Rosemary stewed with wine is insomnia.
Fresh tops of the plant onto abscess THE maturing, opening.
This plant with so many properties previously thought and that cleans the blood and even IFI is beneficial breathing IFI and the juice of the plant inside the ear stops the pain (with twisted cotton).
Threshed seeds rosemary internally is the yellow dpseos face.
Fresh Peaks San poultice cure fever.
And yet: Rosemary is palsies and nerve diseases.
Against chlorosis and of chronic indigestion.
For internal use only 10 to 30 grams.
flowering tops to boil in a liter of water.
Drunk as a beverage.
Hair 50g
in 1 liter of water, boil half an hour.
With this wash your head for a week morning and evening, and then voutrsisma (stimulates and maintains hair color).
Rosemary end is against hysteria.
And cold tea to which will be added borax is dandruff.
DENDROLIVANOTo rosemary, asthma, cough, flu, whooping cough, fever, dizziness, migraines, bronchitis, gallstones, arthritis.
In ancient Greece was considered a gift of the goddess Aphrodite. Today, the dried leaves and flowers are widely used in cooking relish lamb, fish, beef, rabbit, chicken, the fried or baked potatoes, vegetables, rice and various meats. Cornsteep rosemary in white wine stimulates the heart, improves eyesight and memory, while activates the kidneys and helps in cases of dropsy. This wine also helps in headaches caused by weak circulation, because rosemary is stimulating the circulatory and nervous system.
To know: The hot infusion of rosemary is wonderful for headaches, flu, colds, rheumatism and dyspepsia, also acts as a stimulant to the hair follicles and can be used in cases of premature baldness. It acts against dandruff (along with borax and cold water). In gargle is useful to treat ulcerating wounds of the mouth. Externally we can use to relieve muscle pain, sciatica and neuralgia.
Warning: Consumption of rosemary in large quantities can be harmful, especially for pregnant women, which can cause miscarriage. Symptoms of overdose are drowsiness, hallucinations, convulsions, and damages the lining of the kidneys and intestines. In cooking but if we put greater amount than they should, the food will get a taste of camphor.
Elixir of Youth, stimulant, kataprafnikto for ekkriseis bile, the colitis, gingivitis. Helps to combat Alzheimer's disease and Lou Gehrig's. Rosemary: Elixir of Youth, hair loss, dandruff, heart, liver.
Rosemary: It is mainly used as a spice in cooking. Derived from the plant rosemarinus officinalis and has excellent toning properties. As an ingredient in shampoo gives strength and shine to hair.

Rosemary is a medicinal spice that comes from the plant Rusmarinus Officinalis and grows in many parts of the Mediterranean. It has a characteristic smell something and it turns white flowers that bloom in summer.
It was used by the ancients to treat various illnesses. Also decorate the statues of the gods, was used as a crown because it has the ability to stimulate memory. Still used as a cosmetic in the middle ages, and as an elixir which had transformed a 70 year-old to a young girl.
The leaves can cause death. Recommended for those who get tired mentally and physically. Used for bathing because it strengthens and darkens hair and good memory function. For the ancient Romans were useful for ceremonies, it ensures peace and joyful life after death. For Christians it is sacred plant used in the commission of sanctification.
The drink soothes spasms of the abdomen, and antidiabetes and asthma. Wine is a tonic for the heart and orasi.Antisiptiko wounds: Pour onto the wound powder from crushed rosemary leaves. Bathroom in decoction rosemary soothes rheumatism. Also in combination with other herbs are effective against trichoptosis.Afepsima: Boil rosemary leaves and blossoms a teaspoon in a cup of water and drink 2 times a day.
  Preparation Wine
Place in a bottle of white wine a few sprigs of rosemary and leave for several days. Drink one glass a day.
rosemary ...... "Smell it and you'll feel young" .....
said long ago .....
the "fourth livanotis" Dioskouridi So is-besides the many other qualities-one of the herbs necessary if we are to maintain our healthy circulatory system ...
is stimulating capillaries ....
excellent for relieving aching limbs or ten drops in bath water are enough to relieve the pain ....
while massaging the sore joints with a few drops of oil mixed with almond oil bring immediate relief ....
of the injected-off-the other properties contribute to reduction of free radicals and to improve blood flow .....
So let's not forget ever that herbs are essential to maintaining our health-which is inalienable and non-negotiable our right and should always exist in our kitchen cabinets-not stop-I stress this ... .........
Rosemary: It is mainly used as a spice in cooking. Derived from the plant rosemarinus officinalis and has excellent toning properties. As an ingredient in shampoo gives strength and shine to hair.
Used Parts:
- Dried leaves
It is antiseptic, diuretic and diaphoretic.
- To increase the circulation of blood for secretion of digestive fluids and bile for migraines - Boil a handful of dried leaves in half liter of water, leave for a while and drink.
- Wounds and rheumatism - In the same decoction wash the affected area.
CAUTION! In large doses can cause dizziness and convulsions.
Rosemary Type audience Greek flora, also known as lasmari, dysomarini and livanodentro. Found in ancient medical form preparation against tetanus, and the seeds for the treatment of paralysis. As a medicinal herb has tonic properties and antistiptikes. Is ideal for combating anemia, insomnia and dizziness. It is also extremely useful for increasing attention because improves perfusion of the brain. Nowadays also studied its contribution to the fight against Alzheimer's Atschaimer and diabetes. As a cosmetic can be used in the form of steam for deep cleansing and skin enhancement. The compress of rosemary helps prosimena eyes while recommended for oily hair and gives shine, improves dark color and works against dandruff. For the body can be used as anazoogonitiko infusion in the bathroom, as well as refreshing and deodorising foot baths. Externally as a lotion even helps in hair growth and stop hair loss while the fyllla and flowers produced essential oil useful in the pharmaceutical perfumery and soap.
Indicated for the weakness, insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, headaches and dizziness, and helps to increase attention, because improves perfusion of the brain. Externally used as antiseptic for wounds and for the reduction of hair loss.
Spice that comes from the plant Rosmarinus Officinalis, also known as the pharmaceutical rozmarinos. Is a shrub, semi-native in many parts of Greece and generally in the Mediterranean countries. Prefers dry and heaths, where it grows and sage, thyme etc. It has a very distinctive smell (smell of camphor), with small white flowers and dark green leaves and blooms in summer.

Rosemary highly appreciated in antiquity for its therapeutic properties. In ancient Greece was considered a gift of the goddess Venus to humans and used in sacrifices animals burned on the altar. They decorated it with statues of gods and students when considering used it like a crown, thanks to its capacity to stimulate memory.

Later, during the Middle Ages, used in cosmetic formulations. In story is an elixir which builds upon distillation of rosemary, cedar and turpentine that transformed the 70 year-old paralyzed princess an attractive young lady who asked in the marriage the king of Poland in 1370. The elixir was named "Water of the Queen of Hungary."

The essential oil contained in the leaves and flowers, in small quantities can cause death. Certainly to produce this amount needs very large amounts of plant branches. You need to know the usage and avoid excesses. Although extremely tonic and stimulant and is those very tired-physically and mentally-and also in sexual problems associated with severe fatigue, must, when used therapeutically to know how to use it. In the villages they used as "abortifacient" this should be avoided during pregnancy. As infusion Shampoo helps against baldness, strengthens and darkens hair and helps memory function!

pork roast, beef (liver, minced meat), beef (roast, liver, ragout), lamb (roast shoulder, rump, ragout), wild birds, chicken (grilled, steamed, soup), duck (roasted, steamed) , goose, stuffing poultry, poultry (fricassee, ragout), fruit compotes, spinach, sauce for marinades, fish, rabbit, fried or baked potatoes, vegetables, rice, meats, bourmpouristoi snails (snails fried), spaghetti, pizza
Rosemary (ancient Eng. Aposplinos) [1], also known as arismari, Cyprus is known under the name lasmari is aromatic, evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Rosmarinos and the family of Labiatae. The genus Rosmarinus includes, besides the known (R. officinalis) also referred to as livanotis (Diosk.) and Rosemary pharmaceutical, and some other species, including the following: Rosmarinos the eriokalyx (R. eriocalyx) and Rosmarinos the gnafalodis (R. tomentosus) [2]. The Latin name of the plant Rosmarinus means dew of the sea and is a composite of the words ros (dew) and marinus (sea) because it is believed that the plant can grow without watering it simply only moisture that comes from the sea. [3] known plant in ancient times when the ancient Greeks used in various religious ceremonies and celebrations, in decorations of buildings, temples and fuel for incense. Its origin is from the Mediterranean but now outside of these areas cultivated as an ornamental for its beautiful blue flowers throughout most of Europe and the temperate regions of America. Contains tannin and essential oil, which is extracted by distillation mainly from the tops of flowering shoots. The flowers are preferred by bees and become a source for the production of honey.
It's leafy and ramose shrub with a height not exceeding 2 meters. The leaves are leathery, small, linear and resemble pine needles. The upper leaf surface is dark green and the bottom surface is slightly napped with white or pale greyish. The flowers are in groups and come in the leaf axils. The color is purple, blue white or white. There is the need of watering and can grow in rocky mountainous areas. The shoots have a pleasant scent resembling that of tea and the flavor is slightly bitter and slightly spicy.